Alexis Krasilovsky
Alexis Krasilovsky

Four New Poetry Films!

•"Positive Thinking"

A short videopoem about a Tibetan Buddhist monk.
Poetry and film by Alexis Krasilovsky, based on Karmapa Cheno cave footage filmed in China by Rodger Kamenetz.

• "Verse for a Second Childhood"

A videopoem about ageism and older women by Alexis Krasilovsky.

Verse for 2nd Childhood

• "A Petal Pushed by a Breeze"

A videopoem by Alexis Krasilovsky featuring a poem written and recited by Rodger Kamenetz, author of "The Jew in the Lotus."
This microfilm includes video footage of the lotus blossoms of Echo Park Lake, considered to have been the largest lotus bed outside of China until global warming.

• "Rafael"

Videopoem based on "Rafael", a poem about the angel, by Rodger Kamenetz, from his book, "The Missing Jew: Poems 1976-2022" (- with embedded English subtitles).
This microfilm includes several photocollages by Alexis Krasilovsky as well as sand video filmed by Zell Lundberg. Music by David Gusakov.



News about
Four New Poetry Films!

"Southern California's video poet diva." - Beyond Baroque
Best One Minute Film Filmzen Intnl

"Positive Thinking" (2023) won "Best 1-Minute Film" at the Filmzen International Competition in Paris, France on June 28 and screened at the Ukrainian Dream Film Festival, held at the Crimean Tatar Cultural Center in Odesa, Ukraine along with "A Petal Pushed By a Breeze" (featuring a poem written and recited by internationally acclaimed writer Rodger Kamenetz (author of The Jew in the Lotus) on May 28.

Best One Minute Film Cult Jury FF

"Positive Thinking" won "Best One Minute Film" at the Cult Jury Film Festival in Gurgaon, India. And it won the "Free Speech" award at the August/September 2023 Gangtok International Film Festival in Goan, Sikkim.laurel GIFF-sikkim logo

"Positive Thinking" is the monthly winner for August-September 2023 in the "Free Speech" category at the Druk International Film Festival (Paro, Bhutan). It is an Official Selection at the Black Swan International Film Festival (Kolkata, India) and an Official Selection of the Festival Cinemistica's "Espejos de Amor" ("Mirrors of Love") in Granada, Spain, screening in November 2023.

laurel_Druk Int Film Fest 2023 laurel BLACK_SWAN Int Film Fest July 2023

"Rafael", which features a poem by Rodger Kamenetz from his new book, The Missing Jew: Poems 1976-2022, screened at the Sofia International Film Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria along with "The Parking Lot of Dreams" (2021) on May 20.

"Rafael" was awarded Best One-Minute film at the Luis Buñuel Memorial Awards in Kolkata, India, and won "Best 1-Minute Film" at the World Film Carnival in Singapore in July 2023.

Best One-Minute Film Luis Bunuel Fest laurel_WFCRAFAEL_Best 1-Minfilm July2023

"A Petal Pushed By a Breeze" won "Best One-Minute Film" for the Tagore International Film Festival, and "Best Mobile Film" at the World Film Carnival in Singapore in July 2023. It also won "Best One-Minute Film" for August-September 2023 at the Druk International Film Festival in Paro, Bhutan.

laurel Best 1-Minute Tagore Intl Film Fest August 2023 laurel_Druk Int Film Fest 2023 laurel_WFC_Best Mobile Film_PetalPushed_July2023

"A Petal Pushed By a Breeze" and "The Parking Lot of Dreams" are Official Selections of the Liber Films International Festival, held in Athens, Greece on February 4, 2024. 

Luis Bunuel Memorial Fest Louis Bunel Memorial Awards

"Verse for a Second Childhood" is an Official Selection of the Oodaaq Festival - part of a Friday, May 17th screening at La Parchemenerie (Rennes, France) of films about feminist and queer struggles.

laurel Artists Forum Spoken Word Comp 2023"Verse for a Second Childhood"
is an Official Selection of The Artists Forum Spoken Word Competition held October 14, 2023 in New York City.

"Verse for a Second Childhood" screened at Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China on November 19, 2023 (along with Krasilovsky's earlier videopoem, "Pastriology," from her global feature documentary "Let Them Eat Cake") as part of a Zoom workshop, "Crafting and Sharing Videopoetry with Alexis Krasilovsky." For an article in Chinese about the event, see:

Crafting Videopoetry China


For more videopoems by Alexis Krasilovsky, see Films on this website or visit Canyon Cinema at

Alexis Krasilovsky

Watermelon Linguistics
Watermelon Linguistics


Great Adaptations


Let Them Eat Cake
Let Them Eat Cake


Women Behind the Camera DVD Cover
Women Behind the Camera


End of the Art World Still with Andy Warhol
End of the Art World


Beale Street DVD Cover
Beale Street


Epicenter U DVD Cover
Epicenter U


Exile DVD Cover


Mr Boogie Woogie DVD Cover
Mr Boogie Woogie

The Official Website of Alexis Krasilovsky
See Also: Women Behind The and

