Alexis Krasilovsky
Alexis Krasilovsky


Guerilla Commercial

(1973) | 1 minute | 16mm Color Film

Written, produced, directed, shot and edited by Alexis Krasilovsky.
Distributed by Canyon Cinema:


What is it called when you run a women's film festival for one month, and show almost nothing but films by men the other eleven months of the year?

Guerrilla Commercial protests discrimination faced by women filmmakers during the 1970s.


Programmed without preview as part of Krasilovsky's first retrospective, held at the Whitney Museum on March 9, 1973, in a women's film festival entirely run by men, Guerrilla Commercial is the film the Whitney wanted to burn.


Featuring: Dianne Talen as the "Woman Filmmaker"

Additional Screenings:
Vanguard Theater, Los Angeles, February 24, 1976
Canyon Cinematheque, San Francisco, October 1987




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The Official Website of Alexis Krasilovsky
See Also: Women Behind The and

